Hey There !

Welcome to my first blog post!

Here you will find tips, trends, stories about some of my sessions and more. I am excited to share my knowledge and love for photography with you.

Let me start by telling you a little about me. First and foremost, I am a mother and wife. I have two girls - Madison (age 9) and Olivia (age 4). They are two of my biggest supporters and are always ready to be my models!

Bathing Beach - Hingham; Makeup by Enhanced Beauty of Hingham

I have two pets - Jaxxon; an adorable, energetic 1 year old chocolate lab and Emma; a 2-month-old kitten who just joined our family this week!

When I am not with my kid or pets; I enjoy drinking coffee, watching Netflix (Greys Anatomy on repeat!), dinner with my husband, and being with friends.

I can’t wait to continue working with my previous families & get to know new ones ! xoxo

Caitlin Lynch